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  • Brianna Smith

2024: Let's Set Some Goals

Fireworks for New Years Eve

This New Year's Eve was far quieter than some I have attended. Unfortunately for me, the stomach bug found our family just in time for the celebration. We spent much of the last day of 2023 in bed, hoping and praying it was not an omen for the year ahead.

After another nap, I woke up just in time to watch the ball drop – the last ten minutes of the year. In those ten minutes, I reflected on the past year, but more importantly, thought about the year ahead.

I've always liked the idea of New Year's resolutions, but mine are too far-fetched to be achievable at times (I can't believe in 2022 I thought I could give up caffeine). So, in 2024, I am making mine more attainable – walk 6,000 steps daily.

As a business owner, you may be thinking about the goals you want to achieve in the coming year. You've probably looked at your Q4 data and begun thinking about changes you'll make in the forthcoming quarter and year. Or if you're like me, you've got some huge goals but no clear-cut way to make it happen. The economic outlook for 2024 may cause some strife (I know for me, it does!). Business planning and goal setting can quickly become very overwhelming.

Let's look at some goal-setting strategies to minimize that stress:

  1. If you didn't host an end-of-year meeting, get together with key employees or stakeholders to review the prior year's achievements and shortcomings.

  2. Set small-scale, attainable goals first. These goals can lead to a significant, long-term goal. For example, I want to walk 6,000 steps daily to lose 10 pounds by the end of the year.

  3. Follow the SMART goal method – make sure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

  4. Communicate those goals with your employees or key stakeholders. We recommend creating a visual display dedicated to the goal, something all employees can see easily and often.

  5. Take things one step at a time. There's only one way to eat an elephant - one bite at a time!

In 2024, the Pannell Enterprises team will share different ways your business can grow through marketing initiatives. Be sure to follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with our latest tips and tricks. We've got some fun things planned for the year!

Let's work together to make 2024 the best year for your business.

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